Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I have totally forgotten to tell you guys about my trip to Peru. Let's just say it was amazing and I want to go back right. I just loved it so much and enjoyed the people there so much. We were gone for 13 days in August we left a Monday and came home on a Sunday.
Monday: We had to get up at 5 am to catch the bus with some of the group to get to the airport. We got there and had plenty of time to walk around the airport. My dad and I were on a different flight then the rest of the group and we flew to L.A. and had a layover for a couple hours, so we got to spend time walking around the airport. Then we flew to Mexico City and has a long layover and so we got to go into a lounge there and hang out since it was so late. From there we went to Lima, Peru and met up with the group that we went to the airport with. Once we were together we flow to Cusco.

5 am bus trip to the airport 
Tuesday: We were also still in one of our travel days. Once we finally got to Cusco we walked around the Plaza de Armas and did our fist of many shopping excursions. The first place we went was this back ally and we saw some little kids there, so we played with them and gave them stickers that we had brought for the trip. After shopping and resting that evening we went to dinner as a whole group and it was really fun.

Part of our group in our home in Peru 

Wednesday: We got up early and had breakfast and started our walk to the buses that would drive us to the first village. The first of the two villages we went to was at the end on the road in the mountains and the elevation was 12,500 ft which was very high. When we got there we were greeted by the villages with music and they walked around sprinkling confetti on our hair which we found in our clothes even after we came back to the states. We were split up into for groups through out the trip and my group had walk about a quarter of a mile down to a little building to bring up little chairs and tabled for the dentist that we had set up. This would have been an easy task if I was back home, but at 12,000 ft only on our second say it was horrible. My dad and I took the easy route which happened to be the longest we were taking breaks ever hundred feet or so, because we couldn't breath. The Peruvians though who were way behind us passed us half way up they hill running. I guess they are probably use to it. After we brought up the table and chairs we were put to work with easier tasks or at least I thought that they were. I was in charge of playing with the kids and making sure that they weren't scared when they went into the dentist to get check out. In the dentist there were kids helping teach how to brush, floss and they put florid on the teeth. After many hours of playing with the kids I was offered if I wanted to give an injection in the gum to numb the jaw, so someone else could pull the tooth. So I gave and in injection which is pretty cool. After lunch I switched to be outside to help out with building the school for the kids, so they don't have two walk 3 hours down the hill for school.

My Dad and I in the village 
After the showering of confetti 
Even though it was 12,500 ft the view was spectacular
Thursday: We headed back to the same village we were the day before and got right back to work. I started to help build the school, but found that they kids were way more entertaining since they never get to see toys. I spent the whole day playing with kids and trying to speak Spanish with them which was very funny cause they all laughed, but I didn't care. It was crazy to see the change in the Peruvians attitude towards us on the second day, because at first they thought that we would not help at all, but we almost finished the school that we were working on. It was fun to play with the kids and see how much joy we could bring to them in the simplest ways. I had a girl named Maddy Elisabeth who was my buddy and I picked her up and started spinning her. Her face was priceless when I was finally done and all the other kids flooded towards me, because they thought it was so cool. After spinning two other kids I was out of breath, but the kids wanted more, so they decided to dog pile me which was really fun. After the school was pretty much done we cleared this big open field and played soccer. Okay well I didn't play, but the guys that were on our trip did and they played against the men living in the village it was so fun to watch. When it was finally time to say our goodbyes the music started to play and we started to dance and more confetti came down on us. I thought that the first day was a enough but I guess not. We paraded to the buses the little girl that had became my new best friend found were I was sitting on the bus and waved goodbye to me as we drove off.
And we danced 
Teaching how to brush teeth 
Gabriel in the green Maddy in the blue and me along with Eli and Max