Saturday, April 12, 2014

Final Day of Spring Break

We made it to Eugene, Or around 11:30 so we decided to call it quits and stay the night. Dad was glad it was his last night having to sleep with Michael and this night proved to be the roughest. We slept in until after 8 which is good for us and we grabbed some breakfast at the nearby Denny’s. We could have headed straight north on I-5 and made it home in about 4 or 5 hours, but mom wasn’t ready to call it quits yet. How can you do a food tour of the Northwest coastline and not stop for an ice cream in Tillamook, OR? Unfortunately, this meant a detour and the roads leading to Tillamook are slow and windy so the journey home ended up being close to 9 hours. It was worth it, though. We loved driving through the beautiful logging and fishing towns along the Oregon Coast. This is a beautiful part of the country and everyone should venture off I-5 and try it at least once. We realize that we could buy as much Tillamook ice cream as we want at our local Safeway, but there’s something about buying it in the factory that makes it taste so much better. Plus, they have flavors there that aren’t available in the grocery store. Mom ordered blueberry and caramel hazelnut because she can’t buy them at Safeway. She said they were delicious and it was better than the ice cream at Humphry Slocombe in San Francisco. Dad got a peanut butter chocolate shake because that’s what he always gets and Michael got vanilla because that’s what he always gets and I got oreo because that’s what I always get. Was it worth the detour? Definitely!

caramel and blueberry 
Cookies and Cream

We skipped lunch and thought about skipping dinner but Michael wouldn’t hear of it. I’m not telling where we ate because we broke the rule of not eating any fast food for our whole trip but it was the ONLY place to eat in this little town in Washington just on the other side of the Columbia River. This is a picture of the bridge we drove over that scared my mom to death. The adorable, little town on the other side of the bridge is Astoria, OR and you have to go over this bridge to cross the mouth of the Columbia River to get to Washington. Mom made us stop and take a picture because she thought it was so beautiful. Welcome back to Washington! Until our next adventure…..

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