Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Third Day of Spring Break

We all felt a lot better after a good night’s sleep, except for me who had to sleep next to my mom who snores really loudly. A quick shower and cute clothes and we were ready for the day. It took a minute to figure out our plan and buy our city pass so we didn't have a lot of time for breakfast. We grabbed a quick bite at a restaurant at Fisherman’s Wharf. It was edible but that was about it. Nothing worth hardly mentioning but since we’re documenting every morsel I’ll share the pictures but that’s all you’re gonna get.

Pancakes with eggs and bacon 

Eggs with meat  

Ham, egg and cheese burrito 

Bacon, egg and cheese burrito 

We had to catch our boat tour off of Pier 39 at 10:15 but since the restaurant was empty, maybe that should have tipped us off, we got out of there in a jiffy and we embarked on a cruise around the bay of San Francisco. It was calm and relaxing and we got to hear all about San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, etc. It was cool to see the fog roll in over the bridge as we were headed back to land.

All those brown things are sea lions

As soon as we finished the boat tour we headed over to the Aquarium and spent an hour or so there. Mom and dad could have spent a lot more time there but Michael was a little impatient and wanted to get on with the day. The tunnels were cool with the fish swimming over our heads and all around us. My favorite thing was touching the shark in the “you get to touch these things” tank. Dad touched one too but Michael wanted nothing to do with it. Michael’s favorite thing was the gift shop, go figure.

My new best friend 

Next it was time to eat again so we headed to the Ferry Building which meant our first ride on the muni street car. This might sound interesting and fun but it is just a glorified old school bus that moves electronically. Mom was thinking that we would spend the next several hours in the Ferry building looking at each exhibit or food stand, sampling and trying everything that looked amazing. Wrong! The rest of us wanted lunch, sitting down, and a muni bus ride back to the hotel to rest. So that’s exactly what we did. We ate some yummy sandwiches at a place called Il Cane Rosso. We ate outside with a beautiful view of the Bay Bridge and we relaxed and people watched. Then we had two choices for dessert. We chose Humphrey Slocombe for ice cream because we were hot but you can bet we’ll be back at Miette for cakes tomorrow. This place makes their ice cream fresh every day with all the best ingredients and I have to say I was impressed, or at least mom was impressed and I thought it was okay. We had Tahitian vanilla, malted chocolate, malted dulce de leche, and peanut butter chocolate chip. Michael had the vanilla and he licked up every last drop of it which says a lot because he never eats ice cream.

Pork Sandwich 

Meatloaf and bacon Sandwich with a Caesar Salad and Avocado 
Dulce de leche 


Peanut butter and chocolate
After a quick rest we felt a lot better so we headed out again.  Just around the corner from our hotel is the cable car pick up. When we arrived there was a line but we figured the line would go quickly and we wouldn't have to wait long. After waiting and waiting and waiting in what was the most inefficient public transportation system we have ever experienced, we finally took our seats and we were off. Michael and mom were the only two who really got seats. Dad and I had to stand on the outside ledge holding on for dear life as we experienced the ride of our lives. Who needs Disneyland when you can ride a cable car around San Francisco up and down the ginormous hills? Every time we passed another cable car the driver would say, “tuck it in”, which meant to literally tuck it in - easier for some to do than others. It was the funniest thing we have done so far and mom thought it was even better than the bourbon chocolate hazelnut pie, which says a lot since she hasn’t stopped talking about it since she ate it three days ago. The ride home on the cable car was even more fun because it was dark and the driver was super entertaining and had us all laughing and screaming and having a jolly old time, even dad.

Just for Dad

Night Trolley ride with Micheal Jackson and Tom from Wales 

Now, back to the food. You’ll be relieved to know that we all passed our 10,000 steps today so that proves that we are doing more than just eating all day. Michael and I refused to eat Chinese food in Chinatown like mom wanted to so we ended up on Market Street for dinner at Super Duper Burgers. For $12 we got a burger with all the fixins and fries and a drink. Not bad for San Francisco. We ate it outside on the sidewalk so the entertainment was even free.  We decided the burgers were both super and duper and dad liked his even better than Five Guys. Mom doesn’t agree but she loves Five Guys almost more than dad, so there you have it. That’s it for today. We’re off to bed and I’m looking forward to a good night sleep now that dad has given me pointers on how to make mom stop snoring. Wish me luck!

Lets not all forget the third thing this blog is all about the dudes. While waiting for the trolley to come after dinner there was a band singing songs and mom thought the guy was worth a picture to post on the blog. I think that he could be a little to old for me and not my type, but Bonnie on the other hand-hook them up!


  1. Uncle Rick and I are enjoying reading each of your posts and laughing and seeing all the pics!! You are a great, expressive writer!!! Remind me to tell you our experience in San Francisco when we saw Michael Jackson!!!

  2. It all sounds delish...um, I hope the dude you were referring to was the one playing the instruments and not the geezer in the front! Now that would just be creepy! Get yourselves to Miettes!!!

  3. Ummmm, excuse me but it's 7:49 PM and I tuned in expecting to read about Day 4 of your awesome caloric adventure and Day 4 is no where to be seen!!! What gives?!? Unless you're in a sugar-induced-diabetic-coma you'd better get to typing because while I'm munching away on stale graham crackers I want to read what YOU ate today! Don't make me come looking for you!
